Thanks much to Nancy of Circa Ceramics for bringing this to my attention - I am ashamed of myself for not finding it first. According to Flickr group We Demand Donuts!, April 23 is Day of the Donut! They are celebrating by organizing donut meet ups all over the country!
Check out the group discussion to see if there's a meet up in your 'hood. And if there isn't, organize one and let everyone know!
(DOTD logo found in jakerome's photostream)
This is the greatest site ever. I also had no idea April 23 was the Day of the Donut, though I did hear about National Donut Day, the first Friday of June every year. I am the author of a young adult book coming out this summer called DONUT DAYS. It had a LOT of donuts in it. And cute boys. And even a born-again Harley gang. Let me know if I can send you a copy! - Lara Zielin (www.larawrites.com)